Sunday, March 27, 2011

When did you stop Singing?

Yesterday I was at a workshop lead by facilitators trained by Joanna Macy.  Joanna is a Buddhist, a psychologist, and a whole systems thinker.  Since the 80's responding to the Nuclear Crisis, Joanna has been looking at how the role of suppressed grief and denial play in our inability as a society to respond to the threats to life on earth. Originally she focused on the nuclear weapons threat, more recently she has looked at environmental threats, and the threat from climate change.  (see

During the workshop the leader shared the following queries:
1)  When did you stop singing?
2)  When did you stop deeply listening and hearing with empathy what another says?
3) When did you stop telling stories?
4)  When did you stop coming to silence?
and to the above I would add:
5) When did you stop dancing?
6)  When did you stop laughing?

These queries to me speak to the deep zestful engagement with life.  It seems to me that in any one of these areas, where we stopped, it is time to understand and engage in healing.  I would love to have people post comments about what they realize about these queries.  For myself I see that after I left HS singing became very much more scarce, and that I need to figure out how to remember the words of songs so that I can sing them.  I realized as well that just two weeks ago this somehow came up with my husband whether we ever sang.  I think that when this sort of synchronicity of a subject coming before you in close proximity happens, this is one of the ways The Singer taps us on the shoulder to get our attention.  Ironically one of my favorite songs says  "how can I keep from singing?"  Time to start singing.

1 comment:

  1. final wonderful verse that I believe is in "Rise Up Singing,"
