Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Idealist's Agony - a poem

                         Striving for the highest good
Home sick for a land we’ve never been
Hungering for an oasis just beyond reach

Disappointed by the fall into humanity
No perfected man.
All, washed in the pain of pride, greed, fear, inertia,
apathy and coldness.

So much good achieved…always flawed.

Try. Try again. Better luck next time, version 2, second try, practice, improvement, set back, try, disappointment, try, hurt, keep trying.
Always trying.
Wired for optimism they say. Darwinian edge to hope, to keep trying,
To not give up.

Oh, my imperfect love, how can I keep from cheating on you
with my visions, my dreams  for more, something more
complete, more whole.
Closer to Divine?

Oh, my broken, tarnished neighbors, how to not turn on you in wrath
and frustration, disappointment that you are not
my beloved community.

Oh, my Enemy, what power I give you by believing you are separate
from me, from all of us. By making you a receptacle of all our exiled parts to hold alone.

How do I walk among the half-done, the sweat, the broken promises
born of good intentions, the synchronistic moment, the passion,
the misguided attempt, the accidental success, the small kindness, the dropped ball, the over-engineered, the forgotten good idea and the lingering sweetness
                     ….into the fullness of life.

         No judgment; just is. Now—this moment.
         No expectations. No preconceptions.

Just is; Now—this moment—the fullness of life

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